
If you are a company and would like me to review a product I would be more than happy to.Contact me at

Sunday, 26 June 2011

I'm baaaaack!!!!!!!!!

HELLO EVERYONE! It's been a long long time since my last post so apologies for that and thank you for sticking with me. I just wanted to say  there were good reasons that made me stop doing my blog/twitter and you-tube channel which I  may go into another time. But  i wanted to say that i will FINALLY be doing some new product reviews (a lot of Avon stuff as its the only make up I have bought for months) and new looks/tutorials  as well as some other bits and pieces on my blog and yes i will be uploading a new video on you-tube very soon just need 2 work out some technical stuff.
Well I really need 2 head 2 bed now so apologies for not being around 4 a year but many thanks 4 waiting patiently  till I came back. 
Hope u enjoy my new posts
Take care